How Cloud computing process has influenced importantly in the development of collaborative online processes?

PREZI: This program is a good example because if you share the link with someone this person can work in the same presentation online. 

BLOGGER: This web site is also an example because you can comment with other people at the same time and also you can correct some things.

GOOGLE DOCS: Because this programs allows you to work with other people and all the changes save automatically.

GAMES LIKE FORTNITE: In games like this ones you can play with other people in the same sever that you do not know or you can also invite your friends and interact at the same time all together.

E-MAIL: Here you can send and reply to other people and also we can send many types of things like photos, documents or addresses to other people.

TUMBLR: This site because if different people have acces to the same account, they can publish different things at the same.

Image result for preziImage result for fortniteImage result for google docs
